
Showing posts from July, 2017

If your Budgie is sick? how to know

Some times is not quite simple The first sign is that your buddy is not interested in things that he usually likes, like his favourite toy. If he is not playing with his toy anymore its mean is not active anymore maybe he is sick. The right side budgie look,s not interested in toys. The second sign is that your budgie looks fluffy and his eyes will be close and sometimes he is stuck his head in his feathers.  The third sign is your bird has no appetite sometime it just looks his food. The fourth sign is If your budgie,s behaviour is different is usually are then maybe he is sick. 

Interesting facts about budgies

1:Budgies poop as often as fifteen minutes  Budgies poop often because they have highly metabolic rate. This mean they have to eat plenty in  order to maintain their body weight, which results in more frequent droppings. 2:Budgies do not have a bladder   Since budgies do not have a bladder they urinate and pass fecal matter from the same entrance. 3:Budgies are very delicate   Budgies can only afford to loss between 10-12 drop of blood before their blood loss becomes fatal. 4:Budgies are parakeets, but parakeets are not Budgies!   There are many different types of  parakeets & they came in  a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.     A great example of this is the Indian ringneck parakeet. 5:There are two different types of Budgies   There are two different types of budgies. The normal Budgeragar from Australia, and the larger English budgie, bred in English specifically for show and the pet trade. There are slight differen...

How to tell the Sex of a Budgie

So My Friends, Its quite simple. When the budgies are babes its really hard to find their gender but when the budgies are young the female should have a very light blue cere. The male has a pink cere and sometime it has a bit blue on it. When budgies are turn into adult their cere should be change. The older male cere will turn into bright blue or purple and female if not in breeding mood should have either a light brown cere or white cere, but when the female in breeding mood she will have a a dark brown cere. When the budgies are young the male look bigger then the female. In first picture on left side is a female or on a right side is male they are neither adult or nor breeder pair. In second picture on left side is female or on right side is male they are adult and surely a breeder pair.