How to tell the Sex of a Budgie

So My Friends, Its quite simple. When the budgies are babes its really hard to find their gender but when the budgies are young the female should have a very light blue cere. The male has a pink cere and sometime it has a bit blue on it. When budgies are turn into adult their cere should be change. The older male cere will turn into bright blue or purple and female if not in breeding mood should have either a light brown cere or white cere, but when the female in breeding mood she will have a a dark brown cere. When the budgies are young the male look bigger then the female.

  • In first picture on left side is a female or on a right side is male they are neither adult or nor breeder pair.
  • In second picture on left side is female or on right side is male they are adult and surely a breeder pair.


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