Top 10 variety of cockatiel

This cockatiel is known as Grey Cockatiel. It is the most cheapest variety of cockatiel. It is good for business setup or hobby. If someone is new in this field or getting experience of cockatiel It,s the best to choose Grey Cockatiel. it,s price is roundabout $20 to $25.

 White face Cockatiel, like their name their faces are white. It is also very good for business setup and hobby. Its prices roundabout $50.
This variety is known as Common White Cockatiel and also called Cream Cockatiel. This variety is a huge market. People very like them.  This is very good for business or hobby. Its prices roundabout $60 to $80.
This cockatiel is known as V Pied Cockatiel. We call them v pied because they have a v mark on their back. It is also very good for business setup or hobby. Its price is roundabout $80.
This cockatiel is known as Eno Cockatiel. Their colour is paperwhite. There are two types of eno cockateil. First is simple eno. It has black eyes. The second one is eno red eye. It has red eyes. They both have a very large market. It is also very good for business setup or hobby. They both have different prices. The simple eno is roundabout $120 and the red eye eno is roundabout $200.
This cockatiel is known as Exhibition Eno. The difference between simple eno and exhibition eno is that the exhibition eno is bigger than simple eno. They have a jumbo size. It is also very good for business setup or hobby. Its price is roundabout $220.
This cockatiel is known as Eno V Pied. It is also very beautiful. It is also v mark on their back. If you want to start a business setup or hobby it is also very good for both. Its price is roundabout $80 to $100.
This cockatiel is known as White Face Fallow Cockatiel. Its price is roundabout $40. This cockatiel has a normal price. It is also very good for business setup or hobby.
This cockatiel is known as Cinnamon Pearl Pied Cockatiel. This is also very beautiful variety and also unique colour. It is also very good for business setup or hobby. Its price is roundabout $40.
This cockatiel is known as King Cockatiel. It has a super size or jumbo size. Its price is roundabout $1,300. This cockatiel is have a very beautiful yellow colour.


  1. You have various errors in your article, White Face Fallow Cockatiel is actually a White Face Cinnamon Opaline Cockatiel - Fallows are worth a lot more than your "ENO" cockatiels, Your Grey Cockatiel male is actually a Grey Pied male,

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