Interesting facts about budgies

1:Budgies poop as often as fifteen minutes
 Budgies poop often because they have highly metabolic rate. This mean they have to eat plenty in  order to maintain their body weight, which results in more frequent droppings.
2:Budgies do not have a bladder
  Since budgies do not have a bladder they urinate and pass fecal matter from the same entrance.
3:Budgies are very delicate
  Budgies can only afford to loss between 10-12 drop of blood before their blood loss becomes fatal.
4:Budgies are parakeets, but parakeets are not Budgies!
  There are many different types of  parakeets & they came in  a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.     A great example of this is the Indian ringneck parakeet.
5:There are two different types of Budgies
  There are two different types of budgies. The normal Budgeragar from Australia, and the larger English budgie, bred in English specifically for show and the pet trade. There are slight differences    between the two.English budgies usually tend to be 1-2 inches larger than Australian budgies and also tend to have larger heads and "puffier" feathers around their faces and crowns.
6:Budgies grind their beaks when content
  Beak grinding is often a sign of contentment in birds and its heard most often as the birds falls asleep. It is characterized by the side-to-side sliding of one beak over the other.
7:They have a third eye
  A third, rarely visible eyelid keep a budgie's eyes clean from dirt and lubricated is called the nictitating membrane. This thin and transparent "eyelid" sweeps across the eye like a windscreen wiper, acting as a lubricating duct.
8: Budgies have monocular vision
  Budgies and most other birds have monocular vision that is, eyes that are set widely apart on either    side of the face. This is essential for flying, because each eye is usually  seeing a different object.  Which means they use each eye independently.
9:Budgies have more vertebrae in their neck than humans
  They can turn their heads up to 180 degrees, or allow them to face backward! This uniqueness is often seen more so when budgies are sleeping.
10:Budgies have a long life span
    The average life span of a domestic healthy budgie is 5-8 years however some have been known to live 15 years or more.



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